
We take care about the users of our solutions

ADIPSYS sells indirectly its solutions (BtoBtoB). This means that we sell our solutions to clients like distributors, operators and integrators. Then they sell our solutions to the recognized brands listed below. Thus, on this page, we present the clients of our clients who use our solutions every day. We are extremely proud of it. We consider them as references in the use of our solutions.

The successes of our clients are our greatest pride!

Every day our clients (distributors, operators and integrators) install our solutions at their clients places/establishments. These are all around the globe and belong to a multitude of industries: retail, offices, cities, hotel and catering, transport, education, events, hospital sector. They all chose ADIPSYS solutions because we were able to meet the specific needs of their industry and bring real added value to their Wi-Fi on site.

References - Auchan logo

Adipsys has been able to meet the requirements of the retail networks

We have deployed the Hotspot Manager solution in all Auchan stores in Romania.

logo Botanic
Botanic is a network of 70 stores with a wide choice in gardening, animals and home decorations. Our solutions are deployed to make these stores welcoming and communicating
References - CCI alsace logo

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nancy has more than 150 Wi-Fi stations throughout its territory.
Various services are offered on the portal with privileged access for elected officials and itinerant access for the general public


CCI Centre Val-de-Loire
The Organization defends the interests of companies and manages their support. It is also involved in the development of the territory. 1000 terminals have been installed for citizens and several sites in 2020. Indre-et-Loire and Loir-et-Cher will be able to use broadband by the end of 2023!

References - Cora Logo

Adipsys has been able to meet the requirements of the retail networks.
We have deployed the Hotspot Manager solution across all Cora stores in Romania.

References- Cité de la musique logo

The “Cité de la Musique” offers to its visitors reliable and secure Internet access thanks to ADIPSYS solutions.

References - European soccer cup 2016 logo

Adipsys was able to participate in the beautiful project of European Football cup in 2016 by offering a secure and efficient WiFi connection on the fan zones.

References: Partage et Vie Fundation logo

Retirement homes are also entitled to quality internet service for their residents.
With its partner AURANEXT, we have deployed our solutions and have worked to make life of thousands of pensioners more connected

References: la villette logo

With our partner ACTISTREAM this mythical place offers free WiFi to its many visitors

References: Leon de Bruxelles logo

The Hotspot Manager solution has been deployed in all the Léon de Bruxelles restaurants across France. Thus, Léon de Bruxelles offers its customers a secure and reliable connection.

Logo Longines Eiffel Jumping

With our partner SFR the organisators of the event Longines Paris Eiffel Jumping entrusted us with their Wi-Fi guest.

Ville de Toulouse

1000 terminals have been placed in (and around) the pink city, covering the popular districts.

Some 40 sites are now equipped with free public Wi-Fi!

Mc Donald’s

Established in France in 1979, McDonald’s France has more than 1,485 restaurants and more than 75,000 employees according to the company’s social database.

NXO NXO integrates and manages digital communications for private companies and as public administrations. NXO designs, builds and runs Communication & Collaboration, Digital infrastructure and Security solutions. With revenues of 248m€ and 39 locations in France, NXO employs 1.230 people, all experts who help attract the best talents.

Logo emea orange

ORANGE EMEA Internet operators subsidiaries of the Orange group. The EMEA zone includes Morocco, Tunisia, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, Orange Guinea, Madagascar, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast.

References: Pavillon France logo

Pavillon France allowed thousands of visitors in the Milan Universal Exhibition to be connected to a reliable, secure and efficient network.
the captive portals design by Hotspot Manager are 100% customized and multilingual

References: societe generale logo

With our partner ORANGE SENEGAL, ADIPSYS has equipped all Societe Generale Senegal agencies with Wi-Fi guest.
Visitors log on and do operations, the SG also collects information via surveys.
Custom ads are shown

References - Saint Pancras train station logo

With our partner WiFI Metropolis we installed our solutions in the station of St Pancras and its merchant halls.These are 10,000 connections a day. Merchants can communicate with travelers by broadcasting them advertisements.

References: Truffaut logo

Truffaut is a network of 58 stores with a wide choice of plants, animals and home decorations.
Our partner IPSILAN has deployed our solutions in all Truffaut stores with a Wi-Fi guest.

To cope with the modernity of its citizens and visitors, the Bordeaux City Council has chosen to equip the city with our powerful and customizable solution.

Would you want to know how we are able to meet the specific needs of many industries? Consult now the insert “BY INDUSTRY” in the main menu.