The event industry includes all the venues dedicated to events (stadiums, concert halls, exhibitions, racecourse, etc.) likely to offer Wi-Fi to visitors. Discover, in a non-exhaustive way, how the ADIPSYS solutions answer the specific needs of the places dedicated to the events, what benefits are drawn as well as examples of applications.
- Provide Wi-Fi access with no network equipment constraints, over a period of time.
- Meeting the needs of the user who wants to share his/her experience on social networks.
- Promote cross-selling via the distribution of personalized offers.
- Facilitate interaction with the user by generating and broadcasting original contents, intended to mark his/her mind.
- Being able to make the event live beyond physical space and after D-Day.
- After the event, be able to retarget in a personalized way, the users for the next upcoming events.
- Ensure legal compliance: Hadopi law, anti-terrorism decree, RGPD law.
- Modernization your brand image and rise of awareness.
- Transformation of visitors into ambassadors who communicate about their lived experience to their friends via social media (earned media).
- Creation of an interaction with the visitors during the event which is suitable for the deployment of a re-targeting and loyalty strategy.
- Optimization of the knowledge of your visitors via the collected data in order to personalize the offers during the event.
- With DNS Protect, protect visitors from malicious content during an event.
- Before the event, simplify the clients’ entry into the location by communicate about an access plan on the multilingual login portal.
- Thanks to the Wi-Fi connection, the user have access to all the services related to the event, from his seat (menu, program, etc.).
- The user can replay the best moment of the event and participate in contests with other visitors.
- Analyze users’ density with geofencing, adjust staff distribution.
- Encourage users to connect to your Wi-Fi by offering animations only available on the login portal.
- After the event, send targeted emailing to collected email addresses, to make the user come back to the next event.

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