A video rather than a long speech
Find on this page the video presentation of our solutions, a video in which our clients testify and talk about the solutions and a video made at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2017. We will publish soon on this page other videos such as typical customer journeys connecting to Wi-Fi through a captive portal, as well as tutorials to show you the simplicity of use of our solutions. Stay tuned !
Visit our Linkedin page
Follow us on our Linkedin page. There we share our successes and those of our clients. We also publish articles on the Wi-Fi market and legislation to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends. Finally, we also inform you of the events where we are present so that you can come and meet us. See you soon on our Linkedin page!

The 4 adipsys solutions
Discover in this video a presentation of the four solutions of ADIPSYS in motion design. These four solutions will allow you to offer your clients/visitors a highly secure Wi-Fi connection while respecting the legislation in force. Finally, thanks to the data collection and analysis, you will finally be able to take advantage of your Wi-Fi and create value!
In this video, we give the floor to our customers. Thus, you will discover the testimonials of the users of the solution Hotspot Manager as well as the vision of Yves Nouailhetas, ADIPSYS’ General Manager.
Sorry this video is in French and we have not the same one in English version.
Adipsys’ participation in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2, 2017. The Mobile World Congress is the largest mobile phone show.
ADIPSYS and the HM solution
In this video, you will discover the Hotspot Manager solution and its strengths.